Helsinki by winter. Helsingfors på vintern.
The key to good cooperation is definitely open communication with the customer

What do you think is the most important thing to keep in mind when managing a project?

From start to finish you need to focus on the project or projects in hand. Sometimes take a step back and confirm.

Communication is something which cannot be overemphasized.


What are your biggest motivations as a Project Manager at Infrateq?

To have the opportunity to create something new and bring your own experience with the goal of helping both customers and your own company succeed.


Describe your dream project!

It can be big or small, that doesn’t really matter. But something where you can really participate and give your outmost.


What is the key to a successful project leadership?

You have to be systematic and careful. The key to good cooperation is definitely open communication with the customer, subcontractors and partners, even in difficult matters.


What are your challenges as a PM?

I believe these days we are having unfortunately too much problems with fe HW availability that causes long lead times and in top of that constructions have delays due same issue that is spread also to materials needed on building sites.


How can you make sure to live up to the customers expectations?

Do my best to achieve timelines and budget. Communicate openly and find solutions for their problems.


What are you most looking forward to in 2023?

To see what new areas and products we will bring and see how we are evolving and growing.

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